






题目靶向结合ssDNA的CRISPR RNA监控复合体的晶体结构解析

译文】 在原核生物,来源于1型和3型CRISPR 位点上的RNA直接与大的核糖核蛋白复合体结合来消灭入侵的噬菌体和质粒。在大肠杆菌,这个大小为450 kDa的复合物被命名为Cascade。在这里我们报道了Cascade与靶单链DNA(即ssDNA)结合后的3.03Å晶体结构。这个结构揭示了Cascade中的RNA和DNA并没有彼此缠绕形成双螺旋,而是组成了一个欠旋的丝带状结构。此非经典结构是由RNA-DNA杂交体之外的每6个核苷酸旋转而成,并通过蛋白质亚基的高度互锁而实现其稳定化。这些研究在复合体的组成和活性方面均提供了新的见解并介绍了一种保证靶结合保真度的机制。




[Title]  Crystal structure of a CRISPR RNA-guided surveillance complex bound to a ssDNA target

[Author] Sabin Mulepati, Annie Héroux, Scott Bailey

[Abstract] In prokaryotes, RNA derived from type I and type III CRISPR loci direct large ribonucleoprotein complexes to destroy invading bacteriophage 

                  and plasmids. In Escherichia coli, this 405-kDa complex is called Cascade. Here, we report the 3.03Å crystal structure of Cascade bound to a 

                  single-stranded DNA target. The structure reveals that the CRISPR RNA and target strands do not form a double helix but instead adopt an 

                  underwound ribbon-like structure. This non-canonical structure is facilitated by rotation of every sixth nucleotide out of the RNA-DNA hybrid 

                  and is stabilized by the highly interlocked organization of protein subunits. These studies provide insight into both the assembly and the activity

                  of this complex and suggest a mechanism to enforce fidelity of target binding.






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