


报道:来自瑞士巴塞尔大学生物研究中心-重点领域感染生物学实验室的Dirk Bumann教授及其合作实验室发现了沙门氏菌在增殖方面的表型差异将导致其对抑菌化学疗法的耐受性,这篇文章刊登在最新一期2014年8月14日的《Cell》杂志上。                                                   












[Title] Phenotypic Variation of Salmonella in Host Tissues Delays Eradication by Antimicrobial Chemotherapy


[Authors] Beatrice Claudi, Petra Spröte, Anna Chirkova, Nicolas Personnic, Janine Zankl, Nura Schürmann, Alexander Schmidt, Dirk Bumann 


[Highlights] TIMER is a single-cell growth rate reporter for pathogens in infected host tissues.

                  Salmonella subsets with divergent growth rates coexist in infected mouse spleen.

                  Antimicrobial chemotherapy kills predominantly fast-growing Salmonella.

                  Partial tolerance of abundant moderately growing Salmonella delays eradication.


[Summary] Antibiotic therapy often fails to eliminate a fraction of transiently refractory bacteria, causing relapses and chronic infections. 

                  Multiple mechanisms can induce such persisters with high antimicrobial tolerance in vitro, but their in vivo relevance remains 

                  unclear. Using a fluorescent growth rate reporter, we detected extensive phenotypic variation of Salmonella in host tissues. 

                  This included slow-growing subsets as well as well-nourished fast-growing subsets driving disease progression. Monitoring 

                  of Salmonella growth and survival during chemotherapy revealed that antibiotic killing correlated with single-cell division rates. 

                  Nondividing Salmonella survived best but were rare, limiting their impact. Instead, most survivors originated from abundant 

                  moderately growing, partially tolerant Salmonella. These data demonstrate that host tissues diversify pathogen physiology, 

                  with major consequences for disease progression and control. 




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