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报道:爱不仅能蒙蔽双眼,还能蒙蔽嗅觉!最近,瑞典农业科学大学的Sébastien Lebreton博士及其团队发现,嗅觉受体Or65a能使刚刚交配完的雌性果蝇不再受到来自雄果蝇的性信息素吸引,从而调节雌果蝇的交配行为。该研究成果发表在最新一期2014年11月19日的Scientific Reports杂志上。
[Title] Love makes smell blind: mating suppresses pheromone attraction in Drosophila females via Or65a olfactory neurons
[Author] Sébastien Lebreton, Veit Grabe, Aman B. Omondi, Rickard Ignell, Paul G. Becher, Bill S. Hansson, Silke Sachse, & Peter Witzgall
[Abstract] In Drosophila, the male sex pheromone cis-vaccenyl acetate (cVA) elicits aggregation and courtship, through the odorant receptor Or67d. Long-lasting exposure to cVA suppresses male courtship, via a second channel, Or65a. In females, the role of Or65a has not been studied. We show that, shortly after mating, Drosophila females are no longer attracted to cVA and that activation of olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs) expressing Or65a generates this behavioral switch: when silencing Or65a, mated females remain to cVA. Neurons expressing Or67d converge into the DA1 glomerulus in the antennal lobe, where they synapse onto projection neurons (PNs), that connect to higher neural circuits generating the attraction response to cVA. Functional imaging of these PNs shows that the DA1 glomerulus is inhibited by simultaneous activation of Or65a OSNs, which leads to a suppression of the attraction response to cVA. The behavioral role of postmating cVA exposure is substantiated by the observation that matings with starved males, which produce less cVA, do not alter the female response. Moreover, exposure to synthetic cVA abolishes attraction and decreases sexual receptivity in unmated females. Taken together, Or65a mediates an aversive effect of cVA and may accordingly regulate remating, through concurrent behavioral modulation in males and females.
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