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【译文】原发性纤毛是一种以微管为基础的细胞器,主要在感觉和信号通路中发挥作用。纤毛发生中出现缺陷将会导致一群称作纤毛病变的遗传综合征。然后,对于正常细胞,以及癌细胞中原发性纤毛发生的调控机制还未完全研究清楚。我们的研究表明一种纤毛病变蛋白OFD1(oral-facial-digital syndrome 1)的自噬降解将会促进原发性纤毛的生物合成。自噬是一种代谢途径,在这个过程中,细胞溶质、受损的细胞器和蛋白将被吞没在自噬体中,之后被溶酶体降解。中心粒随体中OFD1 蛋白在血清饥饿情况下会通过自噬快速降解。在自噬缺陷Atg5或ATG3的小鼠胚胎成纤维细胞中,OFD1 聚集在中心粒随体中,导致了原发性纤毛数量越来越少,长度也越来越短,并且还出现BBS4(Bardet–Biedl syndrome 4)的相关缺陷。这些缺陷可以通过部分敲除OFD1基因而减少 OFD1蛋白 的数量从而得到完全缓解。更引人注目的是,中心随粒体中OFD1的减少将会促进周期中细胞和转化的乳腺癌细胞MCF7的纤毛发生,而这两者通常是不会形成纤毛的。这项工作表明自噬去除中心粒随体OFD1代表了一种促进哺乳动物纤毛发生的重要机制。这些发现定义了自噬在细胞器生物合成方面的一种新的作用。
[Title]Autophagy promotes primary ciliogenesis by removing OFD1 from centriolar satellites
[author]Zaiming Tang, Mary Grace Lin, Timothy Richard Stowe, She Chen, Muyuan Zhu, Tim Stearns,Brunella Franco& Qing Zhong
[Abstract] The primary cilium is a microtubule-based organelle that functions in sensory and signalling pathways.
Defects in ciliogenesis can lead to a group of genetic syndromes known as ciliopathies. However, the regulatory mechanisms
of primary ciliogenesis in normal and cancer cells are incompletely understood. Here we demonstrate that autophagic degradation
of a ciliopathy protein, OFD1 (oral-facial-digital syndrome 1), at centriolar satellites promotes primary cilium biogenesis.
Autophagy is a catabolic pathway in which cytosol, damaged organelles and protein aggregates are engulfed in autophagosomes
and delivered to lysosomes for destruction.We show that the population of OFD1 at the centriolar satellites is rapidly degraded
by autophagy upon serum starvation. In autophagy-deficient Atg5 or Atg3 null mouse embryonic fibroblasts, OFD1 accumulates
at centriolar satellites,leading to fewer and shorter primary cilia and a defective recruitment of BBS4 (Bardet-Biedl syndrome 4) to cilia. These defects are fully rescued by OFD1 partial knockdown that reduces the population of OFD1 at centriolar satellites.
More strikingly, OFD1 depletion at centriolar satellites promotes cilia formation in both cycling cells and transformed breast cancer MCF7 cells
that normally do not form cilia. This work reveals that removal of OFD1 by autophagy at centriolar satellites represents a general mechanism to
promote ciliogenesis in mammalian cells. These findings define a newly recognized role of autophagy in organelle biogenesis.
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