
标题 杂志名称 IF 单位
Long-Range Chromosome Interactions Mediated by Cohesin Shape Circadian Gene Expression 文献下载 PLoS Genetics 6.100 上海生物科学研究所
CTRP3 attenuates cardiac dysfunction, inflammation, oxidative stress and cell death in diabetic cardiomyopathy in rats 文献下载 Diabetologia 6.080 武汉大学人民医院
β-Arrestins promote podocyte injury by inhibition of autophagy in diabetic nephropathy 文献下载 Cell Death & Disease 5.965 山东大学医学院
miR-23b-3p regulates the chemoresistance of gastric cancer cells by targeting ATG12 and HMGB2 文献下载 Cell Death & Disease 5.965 第四军医大学西京医院
Activation of miR-34a impairs autophagic flux and promotes cochlear cell death via repressing ATG9A: implications for age-related hearing loss 文献下载 Cell Death & Disease 5.965 中山大学
Mir30c Is Involved in Diabetic Cardiomyopathy through Regulation of Cardiac Autophagy via BECN1 文献下载 Molecular Therapy Nucleic Acids 5.890 华中科技大学同济医院
Silencing homeobox C6 inhibits colorectal cancer cell proliferation 文献下载 Oncotarget 5.168 复旦大学附属中山医院
Astragalus polysaccharide restores autophagic flux and improves cardiomyocyte function in doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity 文献下载 Oncotarget 5.168 北京大学第五临床医学院
PTPRO-mediated autophagy prevents hepatosteatosis and tumorigenesis 文献下载 Oncotarget 5.168 南京医科大第一附属医院
miR-138-5p suppresses autophagy in pancreatic cancer by targeting SIRT1 文献下载 Oncotarget 5.168 贵州医科大学附属医院肝胆胰外科
